Maloniai kviečiame dalyvauti IX tarptautiniame dialektologijos ir geolingvistikos kongrese, kuris vyks 2018 m. liepos 23–27 d. Vilniuje, Lietuvoje.
Kviečiame skaityti pranešimus šia tematika:
- Geolingvistika
- Lingvistinė (mokslinė laboratorinė) dialektų vertė ir savivertė
- Kognityvioji dialektologija
- Dialektai kalbų rinkoje
- Kaupiamosios ir interpretacinės metodologijos dialektologijoje
- Dialektometrija
- Perceptyvioji dialektologija: kiekybinės ir kokybinės perspektyvos
- Tarpdalykinės prieigos dialektologijoje: fundamentinis ir taikomasis aspektai
- Tarpkalbinė dialektologija: daugiakalbis ir daugiakultūris variantiškumas
- Virtualieji tarminių duomenų arealai
- YUMF ir NORM dialektologijos nuostatos XXI amžiaus variantų tyrimuose
- Tarmės (de)konstrukcija ir (de)konceptualizacija
- Teorinė dialektologija
- Tarminis kūrybiškumas ir raštingumas XXI amžiuje: poreikis, galimybė, būtinybė
- Tarminiai šaltiniai: tekstai, žodynai, atlasai, korpusai
- Kita
Numatoma pranešimo trukmė 20 min.
Kongreso kalbos: anglų, vokiečių, prancūzų, rusų, lietuvių.
Kviečiame teikti spausdinti mokslo straipsnius anglų (ar kita) kalba mokslo darbų žurnale „Acta Linguistica Lithuanica“ (ISSN 1648-4444). Straipsnius prašom siųsti el. paštu ir . Atsakingoji žurnalo redaktorė akad. prof. dr. Grasilda Blažienė ().
Nurodymai autoriams pateikiami čia.
Registracija patvirtinama sumokėjus dalyvio mokestį:
SIDG nariams: 240 EUR
Ne SIDG nariams: 280 EUR
Studentams: 170 EUR
Į dalyvio mokestį įskaičiuota: Kongreso dalomoji medžiaga; dalyvio sertifikatas; kava ir užkandžiai pertraukėlių metu, furšetas; kultūriniai renginiai.
Norėdami užsiregistruoti dalyvauti SIDG kongrese 2018 m. liepos 23–27 d., dalyvio mokestį prašytume pervesti į toliau nurodytą sąskaitą:
Gavėjas: Lietuvių kalbos institutas
Juridinio asmens kodas 111955023
P. Vileišio st. 5, Vilnius, Lietuva
Bankas: Swedbank AB
IBAN (sąsk. Nr.): LT377300010094127608
Mokėjimo paskirtis: Vardas Pavardė SIDG
Daugiau informacijos prašome teirautis el. paštu .
Iki 2018 m. kovo 1 d.
SIDG nariams: 200 EUR
Ne SIDG nariams: 240 EUR
Studentams: 120 EUR
Po 2018 m. kovo 1 d.
SIDG nariams: 240 EUR
Ne SIDG nariams: 280 EUR
Studentams: 170 EUR
Į dalyvio mokestį įskaičiuota: Kongreso dalomoji medžiaga; dalyvio sertifikatas; kava ir užkandžiai pertraukėlių metu, furšetas; kultūriniai renginiai.
SIDG kongreso dalyvio mokestį prašytume pervesti į toliau nurodytą sąskaitą:
Gavėjas: Lietuvių kalbos institutas
Juridinio asmens kodas 111955023
P. Vileišio st. 5, Vilnius, Lietuva
Bankas: Swedbank AB
IBAN (sąsk. Nr.): LT377300010094127608
Mokėjimo paskirtis: Vardas Pavardė SIDG
Renginio organizatoriai:
Organizacinis komitetas:
Danguolė Mikulėnienė, Vilnius (Lietuva)
Violeta Meiliūnaitė, Vilnius (Lietuva)
Daiva Aliūkaitė, Kaunas (Lietuva)
Genovaitė Kačiuškienė, Šauliai (Lietuva)
Regina Kvašytė, Šiauliai (Lietuva)
Asta Leskauskaitė, Vilnius (Lietuva)
Grasilda Blažienė (Lietuva)
Vytautas Kardelis (Lietuva)
Astrid van Nahl (Vokietija)
Heinrich Ramisch (Vokietija)
Goebl Hans (Austrija)
Anna Stafecka (Latvija)
Agris Timuška (Latvija)
Shunsuke Ogawa (Japonija)
Yoshiyuki Asahi (Japonija)
Takuichiro Onishi (Japonija)
Maria-Pilar Perea (Ispanija)
Manuela Nevaci (Rumunija)
Nicolae Saramandu (Rumunija)
Mihaela Koletnik (Slovėnija)
Jožica Škofic (Slovėnija)
Klaus Geyer (Danija)
Jacques Van Keymeulen (Nyderlandai)
Dorin Uritescu (Kanada)
Jurgita Jaroslavienė, Vilnius (Lietuva)
Daiva Kardelytė-Grinevičienė, Vilnius (Lietuva)
Simona Vyniautaitė, Vilnius (Lietuva)
Agnė Aleksaitė, Vilnius (Lietuva)
Akvilė Girdzijauskaitė, Vilnius (Lietuva)
Plenariniai pranešėjai:
Prof. Dr. Frans Hinskens
Meertens Instituut (KNAW)
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Prof. Juan-Andrés Villena-Ponsoda
Professor of General Linguistics
Universidad de Málaga
Dr. Chris Montgomery
Senior Lecturer in Dialectology
School of English Deputy Admissions Director, UK
Dr. Christoph Purschke
Unité de Recherche IPSE (Identités, Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces)
Institut fir lëtzebuergesch Sprooch- a Literaturwëssenschaft
Université du Luxembourg
Kur apsistoti nakvynei renginio metu
Jeigu Jums reikalinga pagalba rezervuojant kambarį nakvynei, prašome su mumis susisiekti el. paštu ir mes Jums padėsime.
Naudingos Vilniaus viešbučių ir svečių namų nuorodos
„Kempinski“ (https://www.kempinski.com/)
„Novotel“ (https://www.novotel.com)
„Amberton“ (http://ambertonhotels.com/en/)
„Artis Centrum“ (http://www.artis.centrumhotels.com/en/)
„Ratonda Centrum“ (http://www.ratonda.centrumhotels.com/en/)
„V4 Vilnius“ (http://v4vilnius.weebly.com/)
„Real House“ (http://realhouseapartments.lt/?lang=en)
„Downton Forest“ (http://downtownforest.lt/)
„Fabrika“ (http://fabrikatbilisi.com/)
„Senatoriai“ (http://www.senatoriai.lt/)
„Tilto“ (http://www.hoteltilto.com/?home)
„Apia“ (http://www.apia.lt/)
„Domus Maria“ (http://domusmaria.com/)
„Litinterp“ (http://www.litinterp.com/en/vilnius/vil-rooms/)
Daugiau viešbučių ir svečių namų Vilniuje
Kitos naudingos nuorodos
Vilniaus tarptautinis oro uostas (http://www.vilnius-airport.lt/lt/)
Vilniaus autobusų stotis (http://autobusustotis.lt/)
Geležinkelio tvarkaraščiai (https://www.traukiniobilietas.lt/)
Vilniaus visuomeninio transporto tvarkaraščiai (http://stops.lt/vilnius/)
Lietuvos žemėlapiai (http://www.maps.lt/)
Daugiau apie Vilnių (http://www.vilnius-tourism.lt/)
We kindly invite you to participate in the 9th Congress of the International Society for Dialectology and Geolinguistics that will be held in Lithuania, Vilnius on July 23–27, 2018.
Presentations in the following fields are welcome:
- Geolinguistics
- Theoretical Dialectology: (De)contruction and (De)conceptualization of Dialects
- The Paradigms of Interpretative and Inventorisational Methodologies in Dialectology
- Interdisciplinary Approach in Dialectology: Fundamental and Applied Aspects
- Cognitive Dialectology
- Perceptual Dialectology: Quantity- and Quality-oriented Perspectives
- Interlingual Dialectology: Multilingual and Multicultural Variability (Multilingual Dialectology: Multilingual and Multicultural Variability)
- Dialectometry
- Dialect Sources: Texts, Dictionaries, Atlases, Corpora
- Linguistic, or Scholarly Value of Dialects and Their Self-evaluation
- Salience in Dialectology
- Dialects in Relation to Space and Time
- Virtual Areas of Dialects
- Dialectal Creativity and Literacy in the 21st Century: Demand, Possibility and Urgency
- Other
Approx. time for presentation: 20 min.
Congress languages: English, German, French, Russian, Lithuanian.
You are welcome to submit your scientific articles in English (or other language) for publishing in the journal “Acta Linguistica Lithuanica“ (ISSN 1648-4444) via e-mail and . Editor-in-chief Akad. Prof. Dr. Grasilda Blažienė ().
To register to participate in the event, you need to pay admission fee:
SIDG-Members: € 240
Without SIDG-Membership: € 280
Students: € 170
The admission fee includes: Congress material; certificate of participation; coffee, refreshments during the coffee breaks, opening dinner; social events.
The information for the payment of the admission fee to participate in the 9th Congress of SIDG that will be held in Lithuania on July 23–27, 2018:
Recipient: Lietuvių kalbos institutas
Legal entity’s code 111955023
P. Vileišio st. 5, Vilnius, Lithuania
Bank: Swedbank AB
IBAN: LT377300010094127608
Payment details: Name Surname SIDG
Before 1st of March 2018
SIDG-Members: € 200
Without SIDG-Membership: € 240
Students: € 120
From 1st of March 2018
SIDG-Members: € 240
Without SIDG-Membership: € 280
Students: € 170
The admission fee includes: Congress material; certificate of participation; coffee, refreshments during the coffee breaks, opening dinner; social events.
The information for the payment of the SIDG Congress admission fee:
Recipient: Lietuvių kalbos institutas
Legal entity’s code 111955023
P. Vileišio st. 5, Vilnius, Lithuania
Bank: Swedbank AB
IBAN: LT377300010094127608
Payment details: Name Surname SIDG
Organizing committee:
Danguolė Mikulėnienė, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Violeta Meiliūnaitė, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Daiva Aliūkaitė, Kaunas (Lithuania)
Genovaitė Kačiuškienė, Šauliai (Lithuania)
Regina Kvašytė, Šiauliai (Lithuania)
Asta Leskauskaitė, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Grasilda Blažienė (Lithuania)
Vytautas Kardelis (Lithuania)
Astrid van Nahl (Germany)
Heinrich Ramisch (Germany)
Goebl Hans (Austria)
Anna Stafecka (Latvia)
Agris Timuška (Latvia)
Shunsuke Ogawa (Japan)
Yoshiyuki Asahi (Japan)
Takuichiro Onishi (Japan)
Maria-Pilar Perea (Spain)
Manuela Nevaci (Romania)
Nicolae Saramandu (Romania)
Mihaela Koletnik (Slovenia)
Jožica Škofic (Slovenia)
Klaus Geyer (Denmark)
Jacques Van Keymeulen (Netherlands)
Dorin Uritescu (Canada)
Jurgita Jaroslavienė, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Daiva Kardelytė-Grinevičienė, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Stud. Simona Vyniautaitė, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Agnė Aleksaitė, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Akvilė Girdzijauskaitė, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Plenary speakers
Prof. Dr. Frans Hinskens
Meertens Instituut (KNAW)
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Prof. Juan-Andrés Villena-Ponsoda
Professor of General Linguistics
Universidad de Málaga
Dr. Chris Montgomery
Senior Lecturer in Dialectology
School of English Deputy Admissions Director, UK
Dr. Christoph Purschke
Unité de Recherche IPSE (Identités, Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces)
Institut fir lëtzebuergesch Sprooch- a Literaturwëssenschaft
Université du Luxembourg
we are pleased to share with you some general information about the 9th CONGRESS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR DIALECTOLOGY AND GEOLINGUISTICS which will be held in Lithuania on July 23–27, 2018.
23rd of July:
The congress opening will be held at the Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Vileišio str. 5, Vilnius (https://goo.gl/maps/dntL5zP93mn).
REGISTRATION will start at 10 a m.
For those who have not paid yet, Registration fee should be paid in cash only (exact amount in Euro) during the REGISTRATION until the Plenary session (also see http://sidg2018.mozello.lt/page1/).
For those who need any bill / confirmation about the registration payment, will be able to receive such a document during the Registration or via email.
After plenary session, at 16:10, all participants and guests are invited for a group picture (photo) outside the Institute.
At 16:20 we all will be taken by two buses to the Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania.
From approx. 16:30 until 18:00 participants and guests will have a guided tour (2 groups in English, 1 group in Japanese and 1 group in German) around the National Museum of the Palace.
From 18:00 opening dinner will start (in the same Palace).
24th, 25th and 27th of July:
Work in parallel sessions at Vilnius University, Faculty of Philology, Universiteto str. 3, Vilnius (https://goo.gl/maps/zgAyAciMJLR2 , http://www.vilnius-tourism.lt/en/what-to-see/top-20/vilnius-university/) which is near the Presidential Palace (http://www.vilnius-tourism.lt/en/what-to-see/top-20/presidential-palace/).
Outside Vilnius University there will be information provided where to follow to find necessary rooms.
GROUP 1. After work in parallel sessions, those participants who give their reports on Monday and Tuesday, are welcome to join the group 1 on 24th of July at 15:30 for a guided tour in English around Vilnius University and Vilnius University Library. The tour will last until 17:00.
GROUP 2. After work in parallel sessions, those participants who give their reports on Wednesday and Friday, are welcome to join the group 2 on 25th of July at 15:30 for a guided tour in English around Vilnius University and Vilnius University Library. The tour will last until 17:00.
Registered guests are welcome to join group 1 or group 2.
During REGISTRATION the first day of the Congress at the Institute of the Lithuanian Language, please provide which exactly group (1 or 2) are you going to join on 24th / 25th of July.
Coffee and refreshments during the coffee breaks will be ready next to the V. Krėvės room at Vilnius University on 24th and 25th of July (the time of coffee breaks is provided in the Congress programme).
On 27th of July, coffee and refreshments will be ready next to the small hall Aula Parva at Vilnius University.
26th of July
At 08:30 we all are meeting at the gate of Vilnius University, Faculty of Philology, Universiteto str. 3, Vilnius (https://goo.gl/maps/zgAyAciMJLR2, near the Presidential Palace, http://www.vilnius-tourism.lt/en/what-to-see/top-20/presidential-palace/).
Two buses will take us (in total 120 participants and guests) to Rumšiškės (http://www.llbm.lt/en/).
You will have a guided tour there (2 groups in English and 1 group in German) by foot and by bus from approx. 10:00 or 10:30 until 15:00, lunch is included (from 13:00 until 14:30).
Additionally, there will be a possibility to buy some souvenirs or postcards (paying in cash).
Then we all will be taken to Trakai (http://www.vilnius-tourism.lt/en/what-to-see/places-to-visit/around-vilnius/trakai/).
Your free time in Trakai will last from approx. 16:00 until 18:00 or 18:30: you will be able (for your own account) to visit Trakai Castle (http://www.lithuania.travel/en-gb/attractions/trakai-castle/17191) or/and Karaim Ethnographic Museum (http://www.trakaimuziejus.lt/s-shapshal-karaims-etnographic-museum), also there will be possible to go boating for 30 min or more, etc. Prices for tickets are 2 euro (Karaim Ethnographic Museum), 8 euro (Trakai Castle), 5 or more euro (for boating) and the like. A guide (in English) in Trakai Castle costs 18 euro, in Karaim Ethnographic Museum 9 euro.
In Trakai, mostly there is a possibility to pay both in cash or by card. There will be a possibility to buy any souvenirs, too.
Then we all will be taken to Kernavė for a sightseeing (on the way to Vilnius): http://www.vilnius-tourism.lt/en/what-to-see/places-to-visit/around-vilnius/kernave/. Also, there will be a possibility to buy some unique souvenirs (paying in cash or by card).
Finally, we come back to Vilnius at approx. 20:00-20:30. Our buses will stop near Presidential Palace (http://www.vilnius-tourism.lt/en/what-to-see/top-20/presidential-palace/) or Vilnius Cathedral (http://www.vilnius-tourism.lt/en/what-to-see/places-to-visit/churches/cathedral-basilica/).
Dear participants and guests, photos and maybe, at some moments, videos will be taken during the Congress week by Congress organisers. Some photos or videos would be shared (announced) publicly (on Facebook, some websites, etc.). If anybody does not agree to be shown/shared publicly in photos (or videos), please let us know via email .
The weather is expected to be warm, around +25C, sometimes with some rain.
After the Congress, we will send you a list of scientific journals where you are welcome to publish your papers.
Looking forward to meeting you in Vilnius soon!
About VILNIUS: http://www.vilnius-tourism.lt/en/what-to-see/top-20/
Around VILNIUS: http://www.vilnius-tourism.lt/en/what-to-see/around-vilnius-2/