Members of the Works Council of the Institute of the Lithuanian Language:

Dr Rima Bakšienė (Chairperson)
Dr Vilija Sakalauskienė (Deputy)
Virginija Gaidytė (Secretary)
Dr Inga Strungytė-Liugienė
Dr Daiva Murmulaitytė


Regulations of the Works Council of the Institute of the Lithuanian Language
Report on the activities of the Works Council of the Institute of the Lithuanian Language in 2021

Works Council of the Institute of the Lithuanian Language has the right to:

  1. participate in informing, consulting and other participatory procedures that involve workers and their representatives in the employer’s decisions;
  2. in the cases and within the terms laid down by this Code and other laws, obtain from the employer and from state, municipal and local authorities and institutions the information necessary for the fulfilment of their functions;
  3. offer suggestions to the employer on economic, social and work issues of relevance to the employees, regarding the employer’s decisions, and the implementation of labour law standards;
  4. initiate a collective labour dispute over the law if the employer fails to comply with the requirements of labour law or agreements between the Works Council and the employer;
  5. if necessary, discuss important economic, social and work issues of the employees, convene a general meeting (conference) of the employees of the employer or the workplace, after agreeing with the employer the date, time and place of the meeting (conference);
  6. perform other acts consistent with the Labour Code and other provisions of labour law, and acts provided for in labour law or agreements between the Works Council and the employer.