The National Programme of Lithuanian Studies and Dissemination for 2016–2024:
- Publishing Lietuviška gramatikėlė (‘Lithuanian Grammarʼ) (1898) by Petras Avižonis. Duration: from 1 April 2022 until 31 December 2022.
Supervisor: Dr Jurgita Venckienė. - The Current Baltic Languages’ Soundscape at the Beginning of the 21st Century: a Comparative Acoustic and Perceptive Study of Sonants. Duration: from 1 April 2021 until 31 December 2022.
Supervisor: Dr Jolita Urbanavičienė. - Drafting and publishing the work of Jurgis Ambraziejus Pabrėža. Duration: 1 July 2018 until 31 December 2020.
Supervisor: Dr Ritutė Petrokienė. - Publishing the scientific periodical Terminologija (Nos 26, 27, 28). Duration: February 2019 until December 2019.
Supervisor: Dr Albina Auksoriūtė. - The Dictionary of German Words and Their Formations in the Lithuanian Language in the 16th–21st century. Duration: February 2019 until December 2019.
Supervisor: Nijolė Čepienė. - A preliminary consolidated catalogue of synaxarium. Volume 3: November. Duration: March 2019 until December 2019.
Supervisor: Dr Marina Čistiakova. - Smart electronic publication of the collective scientific monograph ‘The System of Sounds of the Baltic Languages in the Early 21st Century’ in two parts: book 1 and book 2 (with audio material). Duration: March 2019 until December 2019.
Supervisor: Dr Jurgita Jaroslavienė. - Publication of a peer-reviewed edition of ‘Anfangsgründe einer Littauischen Grammatick’, a grammar by Povilas Ruigys (1747), and the monograph titled ‘Povilas Ruigys’. Duration: February 2019 until December 2019.
Supervisor: Dr (HP) Ona Aleknavičienė.
Support for science events:
- A symposium of Atlas Linguarum Europae (ALE), the 52nd meeting of the editorial board. Duration: February 2019 until November 2019.
Supervisor: Dr Agnė Čepaitienė. - The third international scientific conference on terminology titled ‘The Scientific, Administrative, and Educational Tier of Terminology’. Duration: February 2019 until November 2019.
Supervisor: Dr Alvydas Umbrasas. - Organising the international Aleksandras Vanagas onomastics conference titled ‘Proper Words in Space and Space in Proper Words’. Duraton: February 2019 until November 2019.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr Grasilda Blažienė. - The 26th international scientific conference of Jonas Jablonskis titled ‘LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY IN MODERN WORLD: THE POWER AND PRESTIGE OF LANGUAGE’ (scheduled for October 3–4). Duration: February 2019 until November 2019.
Supervisor: Dr Danutė Liutkevičienė.
Measure 3.2. Publication of science periodicals on Lithuanian studies:
- Publishing the scientific journal Acta Linguistica Lithuanica (Nos 80-85). Duration: 2 February 2019 until 31 December 2021.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr Grasilda Blažienė. - Publishing the scientific periodical Terminologija (Nos 26, 27, 28). Duration: 2 January 2019 until 30 December 2021.
Supervisor: Dr Albina Auksoriūtė.
- Publishing the dictionary Kupiškėnų žodynas, Volume 4. Duration: March 2013 until December 2013.
Supervisor: Dr Ritutė Petrokienė.
Science group projects:
- Publishing Dabartinės baltų kalbos: spektrinės garsų charakteristikos (instrumentinis tyrimas). Duration: 3 June 2013 until 30 September 2015.
Supervisor: Dr Jurgita Jaroslavienė.
Dissemination projects:
- Publishing Konstantino Sirvydo darbai ir jo epocha. Duration: March 2013 until December 2013.
Supervisor: Dr Zita Šimėnaitė. - Support for and publishing of the scientific periodical Terminologija (Nos 20, 21, 22). Duration: 1 March 2013 until 30 September 2015.
Supervisor: Dr Albina Auksoriūtė. - Publishing the scientific journal Acta Linguistica Lithuanica (Nos 68-73). Duration: 1 March 2013 until 30 September 2015.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr (HP) Grasilda Blažienė.
- Konstantinas Sirvydas – the founder of Lithuanian lexicography.
Supervisor: Dr Zita Šimėnaitė. - ‘Science, Culture, and Education in the Predawn Period’ dedicated to the 200th birthday anniversary of Laurynas Ivinskis.
Supervisor: Dr Albina Auksoriūtė. - The Lithuanian dimension of the Slavic scripts of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Supervisor: Dr Nadežda Morozova. - Juozas Balčikonis the lexicographer.
Supervisor: Docent Dr Aldonas Pupkis. - Publishing the study Visuomenė apie nepriesagines moterų pavardes.
Supervisor: Dr (HP) Rita Miliūnaitė. - Publishing the monograph Lietuvių kalbos tyrinėjimo istorija 1981-2010 by Algirdas Sabaliauskas.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr (HP) Danguolė Mikulėnienė. - Vilnius speaking II: the city and language diversity (2012-2014).
Supervisor: Dr Loreta Vaicekauskienė. - Technological and scientific framework for the linguistic annotation of the Old Lithuanian texts (SLIEKKAS).
Supervisor: Prof. Dr (HP) Grasilda Blažienė. - Publishing the CD Lazūnų šnekos tekstai.
Supervisor: Dr Jurgita Jaroslavienė. - Cumulative catalogue of synaxarian texts.
Supervisor Dr Marina Čistiakova.
- Formation of the Personal database of the Lithuanian written language.
Supervisor: Dr Daiva Litvinskaitė. - Creation of a part of the geo-information database of Lithuanian toponyms.
Supervisor: Dr Laimutis Bilkis. - Publishing the monograph Sociolingvistika: metodai ir tyrimai.
Supervisor: Dr (HP) Laima Kalėdienė. - Publishing Kretingos tarmės žodynas by J. Aleksandravičius.
Supervisor: Dr Daiva Vaišnienė. - Publishing of the ongoing publication Baltų onomastikos tyrimai (No 2).
Supervisor: Dr Alma Ragauskaitė.
- Publishing Dieveniškių žodynas (Vol 2).
Supervisor: Dr (HP) Kalėdienė. - Publishing Zietelos šnektos tekstai (Vol 2).
Supervisor: Dr Rima Bacevičiūtė. - Publishing the monograph Ramaškonių šnektos daiktavardis: sociolingvistinis tyrimas.
Supervisor: Dr Nijolė Tuomienė. - Publishing the monograph Svirkų šnektos fonologinė sistema: vokalizmas ir prozodija.
Supervisor: Dr Jolita Urbanavičienė. - Secondary predicatives of the Lithuanian language: semantics and morpho-syntaxis.
Supervisor: Dr Loreta Vaičiulytė-Semėnienė. - The Syntax of the Catechism of Mikalojus Daukša (1595).
Supervisor: Dr Artūras Judžentis. - Title of the event: conference Science, Culture, and Education in the Predawn Period dedicated to the 200th birthday anniversary of Laurynas Ivinskis.
Supervisor: Dr Albina Auksoriūtė. - Title of the event: international conference Jonas Jablonskis and One Hundred Years of the Standard Lithuanian Language dedicated to the 150th birthday anniversary of Jablonskis.
Supervisor: Dr Rasuolė Vladarskienė. - Analysis of the possibilities for the development of the Lithuanian Language Institute’s language resources and integration into the European research infrastructure.
Supervisor: Dr Daiva Vaišnienė. - Vilnius speaking: the role of the language of Vilnius in contemporary Lithuania.
Supervisor: Dr Loreta Vaicekauskienė. - The Lithuanian language: ideals, ideologies and shifts in identity.
Supervisor: Dr Loreta Vaicekauskienė. - Heritage and Identity: research and dissemination of Lithuanian language sources of the 17th-century.
Supervisor: Dr (HP) Ona Aleknavičienė. - Topical database of dialects Tradiciniai lietuvių verslai.
Supervisor: Dr Violeta Meiliūnaitė.
- Studies of the Northern Lithuanian dialects.
Supervisor: Dr (HP) Kazimieras Garšva. - Publishing the monograph Lietuvių kalbos ekspertai: Dmitrijus Kaširinas, Zacharijus Liackis, Andrius Poidėnas Rusijos imperijos tarnyboje (XIX amžiaus antroji pusė).
Supervisor: Prof. Habil. Dr Giedrius Subačius. - Publishing the journal Archivum Lithuanicum (Vols 12-14).
Supervisor: Prof. Habil. Dr Giedrius Subačius. - Publishing Kupiškėnų žodynas (Vols 2-3).
Supervisor: Dr Ritutė Petrokienė. - Publishing Sūrių pavadinimai.
Supervisor: Dr Jurgita Girčienė. - (Publishing Baltų kalbų atlasas.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr (HP) Danguolė Mikulėnienė. - Sources of Chylinski’s activities in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and Europe.
Supervisor: Dr Gina Holvoet. - Lituanika: the written heritage of the ethno-confessional minorities of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania II.
Supervisor: Dr Nadiežda Morozova. - Publishing Marcinkonių apylinkių šnektos tekstai.
Supervisor: Dr Asta Leskauskaitė. - Publishing Garsas ir jo tyrimų aspektai: metodologija ir praktika.
Supervisor: Dr Asta Leskauskaitė. - Dictionary of the Jurbarkas dialect.
Supervisor: Dr Vilija Sakalauskienė. - Lithuanian legal terminology in 1918-1940 (Principal Terms in the Codes).
Supervisor: Dr Alvydas Umbrasas. - Publication of the manuscript dictionary of the German-Lithuanian languages by Jokūbas Brodovskis.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr Vincentas Drotvinas. - Baltic sociolinguistics (BalSoc): linguistic attitudes in Lithuania and Latvia.
Supervisor: Dr Loreta Vaicekauskienė.