Dalia Pakalniškienė. Motivated infixed and sta-stem verbs attested in the 16th–17th c. Lithuanian


Dalia Pakalniškienė. Motivated infixed and sta-stem verbs attested in the 16th–17th c. Lithuanian
Study. Vilnius: Institute of the Lithuanian Language, 2021. ISBN 978-609-411-303-1, doi.org/10.35321/e-pub.17.kalbos-istorija-veiksmazodis

The study addresses the matters of formation of infix verbs and verbs with the stem sta in Lithuanian writings of the 16th–18th century as captured in the texts by Martynas Mažvydas, Jonas Bretkūnas and the Wolfenbüttel Postil, the work of Mikalojus Daukša, Knyga Nobažnystės, and the tracts by Konstantinas Sirvydas representing three variants of writing of the period. The analysis concerns motivated verbs only, meaning those that are based on another lexical unit (or other lexical units).

This study aims to document the situation with infix verbs and verbs with the stem sta in the early days of Lithuanian writing to reveal their synchronous picture from the 16th–18th century. The results of the synchronous analysis – the formational types identified – are then compared with their relevant corresponding numbers in other similar languages, offering opportunities to establish the chronology of the nomination of Lithuanian infix verbs and verbs with the stem sta. The universal attributes of predicative situations expressed with the verbs under investigation are highlighted from the typological point of view.