Dalia Kiseliūnaitė. Toponyms from Klaipėda region: historical and etymological register.

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Dalia Kiseliūnaitė. Toponyms from Klaipėda region: historical and etymological register.
Vilnius: Institute of the Lithuanian Language, 2020. ISBN 978-609-411-262-1, https://doi.org/10.35321/e-pub.6.klaipedos-krasto-toponimai

The book introduces the registry of historical and contemporary toponyms (hydronyms and oiconyms) of the Klaipėda region (Ger. Memelland), the former Klaipėda county (Ger. Landkreis Memel) as well as a linguistic description thereof, complete with etymology, evolution of names, usage characteristics, correlations with other names registered in the region (and personal names in particular). Obsolete names are identified separately and issues of standardisation and potential reconstruction of names are discussed. The preface is a separate part of this tract, featuring a scientific description of the place names of the Klaipėda region, the specifics of the material and the methods of sampling and presentation, and introducing the most common historical and linguistic characteristics of their development. The appendices showcase maps and pictures with hyperlinks and an index.