Daiva Murmulaitytė. Research perspectives of new word formation and morphemics: (the case of the Database of Lithuanian Neologisms)


Daiva Murmulaitytė. Research perspectives of new word formation and morphemics: (the case of the Database of Lithuanian Neologisms)
Monograph. Vilnius: Institute of the Lithuanian Language, 2021. ISBN 978-609-411-289-8, doi.org/10.35321/e-pub.16.naujadaros-tyrimu-perspektyvos

The scientific monograph addresses the subject of formation of Lithuanian new coinages and the possibilities for the analysis thereof in reliance on the Database of Neologisms of the Lithuanian Language. The aim of the study was to find out the most promising and effective direction for research into Lithuanian neologisms. Years of observation of data dynamics have seen a number of studies conducted to address:

  • the indigeneity of neologism morphemics;
  • the correlation between indigenous Lithuanian compounds and the methods of word formation as described in the mid-20th century;
  • the problems relating to the analysis and classification of the new compounds;
  • contamination, its correlation with the traditional (morphological) word formation and place in the system of word formation of the Lithuanian lexis;
  • the formational correlations of neologisms in the nests of word formation;
  • formational trends of neologisms of individual formational categories and types, and so on.

The Database of Neologisms of the Lithuanian Language was scrutinised both as a compendium of the new Lithuanian lexis and as a modern tool of research of word formation, morphemics, formational and lexical semantics: the research covered the structure of its data, the extent to which it can serve studies of Lithuanian word formation and morphemics, the influence the principles of its data sampling have on studies of neologisms and on the representative nature of this source, suggesting ways to streamline its development. As a result, the monograph can also be regarded as an exercise in lexicographic critique. The Database of Neologisms of the Lithuanian Language that it addresses has not been the subject of any major scrutiny as a source of lexicography (neography) yet, with one or two exceptions pertaining to the matters of its structure, data sampling and presentation, and search possibilities that have been brought forward in scientific publications and scientific conference reports by the author of this monograph and her colleagues.