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dr. Pavel Skorupa

researcher, Scholarly Journals Communications Editor, International Publishing Coordinator
  1. The staff member is subordinate to and shall report directly to the Head of the Center;
  2. Prepares planning and reporting documents (reports) on the instructions of the Head of the Center;
  3. Participates in individual and collective scientific research activities;
  4. Carries out the research tasks outlined in the annual work plan;
  5. Carries out the applied research tasks outlined in the annual work plan;
  6. Disseminates research results;
  7. Actively participates in the meetings and gatherings of both the Center and Institute;
  8. In adherence to the functions listed in these Regulations, carries out any other tasks or assignments of the Director of the Institute and the Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs;
  9. Performs other duties established in the Labor Code of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on Science and Studies of the Republic of Lithuania, the Statute and Regulations of the Institute, the Regulations of the Center, and other internal legal acts of the Institute.
  1. Content Editing and Review: Edits and proofreads research articles to ensure clarity, accuracy, and adherence to journal guidelines.
  2. Managing Author Correspondence: Communicates with authors regarding submission requirements, revisions, and publication timelines.
  3. Promoting Journal Visibility: Develops strategies to increase the journal’s reach through marketing, social media, and academic networks.
  4. Coordinating Peer Review: Oversees the peer-review process by liaising between authors, reviewers, and editorial board members.
  5. Maintaining Style Consistency: Ensures articles conform to the journal’s style guide and formatting standards.
  6. Handling Ethical Issues: Addresses concerns about plagiarism, conflicts of interest, or other ethical matters related to submissions.
  7. Collaborating with Editorial Teams: Works closely with editorial teams on production schedules, copyright issues, and distribution.
  8. Monitoring Trends and Metrics: Analyzes readership metrics and publishing trends to improve journal performance and impact.
  1. Facilitating Communication: Acts as a liaison between institutional authors/researchers and international publishers.
  2. Managing Publishing Processes: Oversees the submission, review, and publication of academic works to ensure compliance with publishers’ requirements.
  3. Ensuring Quality Standards: Assists authors in preparing manuscripts to meet international publishing standards, including formatting and language editing.
  4. Contract and Agreement Oversight: Reviews and manages agreements between the institution and publishing houses to protect intellectual property and authors’ rights.
  5. Promoting Publications: Collaborates with marketing and communication teams to promote published works through institutional and external channels.
  6. Monitoring Trends and Opportunities: Stays updated on international publishing trends, tools, and opportunities for funding or collaboration.
  7. Developing Publishing Strategies: Works with institutional leadership to establish long-term strategies for increasing international publishing output.

Pavel Skorupa defended his PhD in Humanities, Philology, in 2023 – the dissertation “Semantics of Present-day Vilnius County Toponym Oppositions”. He also holds an M.A. degree in English Philology and a teacher’s qualification from Vilnius Pedagogical University (currently known as Vytautas Magnus University Education Academy) and an M.A. degree in Communication from Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.

Pavel is a researcher at the Research Center of Baltic Languages and Onomastics, affiliated with the Institute of the Lithuanian Language. His research encompasses various aspects of local (areal) toponymy, topo-nomination, and the formation, semantics, and motivation of onyms. Also, Pavel is an assistant professor at the Department of Foreign Languages in the Faculty of Creative Industries at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VilniusTech). In this capacity, he imparts English for Specific Purposes to students specialising in Creative Industries, Event Engineering, and various other disciplines.

  1. Skorupa Pavel 2025: Metaphorical Toponyms of Present-Day Vilnius County: Extending Toponymy Research through Cognitive Metaphor Theory. – Onomástica desde América Latina 6 (1), 1–30. eISSN 2675-2719, DOI: 10.48075/odal.v6i1.33530
  2. Skorupa Pavel, Stunžaitė Alisa, Dubovičienė Tatjana 2024: Analysing Impactful Slogans in WHO’s Immunisation Campaigns: Study on Linguistic Strategies for Promoting Vaccination. – Respectus Philologicus 45 (50), 25–37. eISSN 2335-2388, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15388/RESPECTUS.2024.45(50).2.
  3. Skorupa Pavel, Stunžaitė Alisa, Dubovičienė Tatjana 2024: Fostering Creative English for Specific Purposes Studies: Implementation of Flipped Classroom Method During COVID-19 Pandemic at Antanas Gustaitis’ Aviation Institute, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania. – Creativity Studies 17 (1), 117–130. ISSN 2345-0479/eISSN 2345-0487, DOI: https://doi.org/10.3846/cs.2024.17818.
  4. Skorupa Pavel 2023. Motivation and Semantics of Šalčininkai District Potamonyms: A Cognitive Approach = Kognityvinis požiūris į Šalčininkų rajono potamonimų motyvaciją ir semantiką. – Acta Linguistica Lithuanica 88, 226–253. ISSN 1648-4444, DOI: doi.org/10.35321/all88-11.
  5. Skorupa Pavel 2021. Footprints of language contacts in the present-day Vilnius County hydronyms and oikonyms: the impact of Slavic languages on Lithuanian toponymy = Kalbų kontaktų pėdsakai dabartinės Vilniaus apskrities hidronimuose ir oikonimuose: slavų kalbų įtaka lietuvių toponimijai. – Acta Linguistica Lithuanica 85, 219–243. ISSN 1648-4444, DOI: doi.org/10.35321/all85-12.
  6. Skorupa Pavel 2021: Motivation and semantics of the present-day Vilnius county toponym oppositions: the concept of the object’s position in space = Dabartinės Vilniaus apskrities toponimų opozicijų motyvacija ir semantika: objekto padėties erdvėje samprata. – Acta Linguistica Lithuanica 84, 254–282. Lietuvių kalbos instituto leidykla. ISSN 1648-4444, DOI: doi.org/10.35321/all84-12.
  7. Skorupa Pavel 2019: Semantic oppositions in Vilnius county toponyms = Vilniaus apskrities toponimų semantinės opozicijos. – Acta Linguistica Lithuanica 81, 139–159. ISSN 1648-4444. DOI: 10.35321/all81-06.
  8. Dubovičienė Tatjana, Skorupa Pavel 2017: Passive voice as a means of impersonal presentation of facts in English quality press = Neveikiamoji rūšis kaip beasmenio faktų pateikimo priemonė anglų analitinėje spaudoje. – Žmogus ir žodis: mokslo darbai. Svetimosios kalbos 19 (3), 38–47. ISSN 1392-8600, eISSN 1822-7805. DOI: 10.15823/zz.2017.24.
  9. Skorupa Pavel, Dubovičienė Tatjana 2016: Pronouns as means of impersonal presentation in English quality press = Įvardžiai kaip beasmenio pateikimo priemonės anglų rimtojoje spaudoje. – Santalka: Filologija. Edukologija = Coactivity: Philology, Educology 24 (2), 82–89. ISSN 2351-714X, eISSN 2335-7711. DOI: 10.3846/cpe.2016.297.
  10. Skorupa Pavel, Dubovičienė Tatjana 2015: Linguistic characteristics of commercial and social advertising slogans = Komercinės ir socialinės reklamos šūkių kalbinės charakteristikos. – Santalka: Filologija. Edukologija = Coactivity: Philology, Educology 23 (2), 108–118. ISSN 2351-714X, eISSN 2335-7711. DOI: 10.3846/cpe.2015.275.
  11. Skorupa Pavel 2014: Shocking contents in social and commercial advertising = Šokiruojantys turiniai socialinėje ir komercinėje reklamoje. – Creativity studies 7 (2), 69–81. ISSN 2345-0479, eISSN 2345-0487. DOI: 10.3846/23450479.2014.997317.
  12. Dubovičienė Tatjana, Skorupa Pavel 2014: The analysis of some stylistic features of english advertising slogans = Angliški reklaminiai šūkiai: kai kurių stilistinių priemonių analizė. – Žmogus ir žodis 16 (3), 62–76. ISSN 1392- 8600, eISSN 1822-7805. DOI: 10.15823/zz.2014.013.
  13. Baranovskaja Ivona, Skorupa Pavel 2013: Some aspects of English idiom in traditional media classification and the problem of translation into Lithuanian. – Santalka: Filologija. Edukologija 21 (1), 5–12. ISSN 1822-430X. DOI: 10.3846/cpe.2013.01.
  14. Skorupa Pavel, Baranovskaja Ivona 2012: English idiomatic words and their equivalents in Lithuanian as terms in traditional media. – Santalka: Filologija. Edukologija 20 (2), 194–206. ISSN 1822-430X. DOI: 10.3846/cpe.2012.19.
  15. Baranovskaja Ivona, Skorupa Pavel 2011: Some aspects of culture teaching in foreign language and esp classes: cultural scripts and small talk. – Santalka: Filologija. Edukologija 19 (2), 119–131. ISSN 1822-430X. DOI: 10.3846/cpe.2011.13.
  16. Skorupa Pavel, Dubovičienė Tatjana 2009: Idiomaticity of English business terms and their equivalents in Lithuanian = Anglų verslo terminų idiomatiškumas ir jų lietuviški atitikmenys. – Santalka. Filologija. Edukologija 17 (4), 52–61. ISSN 1822-430X, eISSN 2335-7711. DOI: 10.3846/1822- 430X.2009.17.4.52-61.
  1. Bilkis Laimutis, Ragauskaitė Alma, Sviderskienė Dalia, Kačinaitė-Vrubliauskienė Dalia, Skorupa Pavel 2019: Grasilda Blažienė, Bibliografija, Vilnius: Lietuvių kalbos institutas, 87 p. ISBN 978-609-411-234-8.
  1. Baranovskaja Ivona, Skorupa Pavel 2016: Creative industries. English for specific purposes: textbook, Vilnius: Technika, 316 p. ISBN 978-609-457-918-9, eISBN 978-609-457-917-2, DOI: 10.20334/1557-S.
  2. Rusko Tatjana, Skorupa Pavel 2014: English for entertainment industry: course book, Vilnius: Technika, 296 p. ISBN 978-609-457-759-8, eISBN 978-609-457-758-1. DOI: 10.3846/1522-S.
  3. Rusko Tatjana, Skorupa Pavel 2013: English for real estate managers: vadovėlis, Vilnius: Technika, 175 p. ISBN 978-609-457-549-5, eISBN 978-609-457-427-6. DOI: 10.3846/1469-S.
  1. Rusko Tatjana, Skorupa Pavel 2011: English for firefighters: study book, Vilnius: Technika, 259 p. ISBN 978-9955-28-930-2, eISBN 978-9955-28-931-9. DOI: 10.3846/1225-S.
  2. Baranovskaja Ivona, Skorupa Pavel 2011: English for creative industries: study book, Vilnius: Technika, 224 p. ISBN 978-9955-28-846-6, eISBN 978-9955-28-844-2. DOI: 10.3846/1201-S.
  3. Skorupa Pavel 2008: Mastering English vocabulary in real estate: educational book, Vilnius: Technika, 199 p. ISBN 978-9955-28-295-2.
  1. Skorupa, Pavel. Vilnius County Toponyms as Signs of National and Cultural Identity, Vilnius: Lietuvių kalbos instituto leidykla, 2021, 75 p. ISBN 978-609-411-306-2, DOI doi.org/10.35321/e-pub.18.vilnius-county-toponyms.
  1. 2024 m.: The 5th International A Vanagas’ Scientific Conference Language and Culture Dialogue in 21st Century Onomastics, held by the Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Vilnius, 7–8 November 2024. Vice-Chair of the organisational committee.
  2. 2021: The II International Scientific Conference Young Scholars of Humanities and Kazimieras Būga, held by The Institute of the Lithuanian Language, 25-26 November 2021. Member of the organisational committee.
  3. 2021: International Scientific Conference Interaction of Languages and Cultures in Europe: Border and Contact Areas, Vilnius-Warsaw, Lithuania-Poland, 8-10 September 2021. Member of the organisational committee.
  4. 2018-2019: The IV International A Vanagas‘ Scientific Conference Onyms in Space and Space in Onyms, held by the Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Vilnius, 7-9 November 2019. Member of the organisational committee.
  5. 2016-2017: III International Conference Specialised Language Studies in the Common European Higher Education Area: Theory and Practice, held by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 20-21 November 2017. Member of the organisational committee.
  6. 2013-2016: II International Conference Specialised Language Studies in the Common European Higher Education Area: Theory and Practice, held by Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 22-23 November 2016. Member of the organisational committee.
  1. 2019–2022: COST International Cooperation Programme LITHME (Language in the Human-Machine Era). Coordinated by Dr Albina Auksoriūtė.
  2. 2005: MOST Comenius – C21, General Directives for the Teacher in the European Union, Ghent, Belgium.
  1. Skorupa Pavel 2024: Toponyms as National Identity Markers: A Case Study of Vilnius County (Lithuania). – 28th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS), 19–23 August 2024, Helsinki, Finland.
  2. Skorupa Pavel 2024: Integrating Traditional Toponymy Research with Cognitive Metaphor Theory. – The Institute of the Lithuanian Language Scientific Reporting Conference “Latest Scientific Research Results 2023” / Lietuvių kalbos instituto mokslinė ataskaitinė konferencija „Naujausi mokslinių tyrimų rezultatai 2023“, 2024-01-25, Lietuvių kalbos institutas, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  3. Skorupa Pavel 2024: Development of Lithuanian Onomastics: From Tradition to Modernity. – III International Scientific Conference “Onomastic Investigations III. Variability of Proper Names”, 2024-05-9, UL Latvian Language Institute, Riga, Latvia.
  4. Skorupa Pavel 2023: Bridging Traditional Onomastic Studies with Contemporary Approaches: Extending Toponymy Research through Cognitive Metaphor Theory. – The 7th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference “The Interaction of Tradition and Modernity”, 16–17 November 2023, Klaipėda, Lithuania / 7-oji tarptautinė tarpdalykinė mokslinė konferencija „Tradicijos ir modernybės sąveika“, 2023 m. lapkričio 16–17 d., Klaipėda, Lietuva.
  5. Skorupa Pavel 2023: Exploring the Correlation Between Worldview and Toponyms: The Analysis of Appellatival Oikonyms in Present-Day Vilnius County. – MiOKO 23rd International and National Onomastic Conference, 19–21 October 2023, Opole, Poland / MiOKO 23-oji tarptautinė ir nacionalinė onomastikos konferencija, 2023 m. spalio 19–21 d., Opole, Lenkija.
  6. Skorupa Pavel 2022: Tautinio ir kultūrinio tapatumo ženklai Vilniaus apskrities toponimijoje. – Lietuvių kalbos instituto mokslinė ataskaitinė konferencija „Naujausi mokslinių tyrimų rezultatai irskaitmeninių sprendimų plėtra”, 2022-01-24, Lietuvių kalbos institutas, Vilnius, Lietuva.
  7. Skorupa Pavel 2021: Toponimų opozicijos: teorinis ir praktinis aspektai. – 2-oji tarptautinė mokslinė konferencija „Jaunieji humanitarai ir Kazimieras Būga“, 2021 m. lapkričio 25–26 d., Lietuvių kalbos institutas, Vilnius, Lietuva.
  8. Skorupa Pavel 2021: Motivation and Semantics of the Present-day Vilnius County Toponym Oppositions Based on the Concept of the Object’s Position in Space. – MiOKO 22nd International and Nationa Onomastic Conference, 14–16 October 2021, Rzeszów, Poland / MiOKO 22-oji tarptautinė ir nacionalinė onomastikos konferencija, 2021 m. spalio 14–16 d., Žešuvas, Lenkija.
  9. Skorupa Pavel 2021: Footprints of Language Contacts in Present-Day Vilnius County Hydronyms and Oikonyms. – International scientific conference “Interaction of languages and cultures in europe: border and contact areas”, 8–10 September 2021, Vilnius–Warsaw, Lithuania–Poland / Tarptautinė mokslinė konferencija „Kalbų ir kultūrų sąveika europoje: paribių zonos ir kontaktinės erdvės“, 2021 m. rugsėjo 8–10 d., Vilnius–Varšuva, Lietuva–Lenkija.
  10. Skorupa Pavel 2021: Semantic Motivation of Vilnius County Toponyms of Slavic Origin. – 27th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences (ICOS), 23–28 August 2021, Krakόw, Poland / 27-asis tarptautinis onomastikos mokslų kongresas(ICOS), 2021 m. rugpjūčio 23–28, Krokuva, Lenkija.
  11. Skorupa Pavel 2019: Oppositions in Vilnius County Toponyms. – 4-oji tarptautinė mokslinė Aleksandro Vanago konferencija Tikriniai žodžiai erdvėje ir erdvė tikriniuose žodžiuose“, 2019 m. lapkričio 7–9 d., Lietuvių kalbos institutas, Vilnius, Lietuva.
  12. Blažienė Grasilda, Skorupa Pavel 2019: Lietuvių vandenvardžiai Europos kontekste. – Lietuvybė viešajame gyvenime. 2019 m. gruodžio 6 d. LR Seimas, Vilnius, Lietuva.
  1. 2023 – present: ANS – American Name Society), Detroit, MI, The United States of America, www.americannamesociety.org.
  2. 2018 – present: ICOS – The International Council of Onomastic Sciences), SE- 75104, Upsala, Sweden, www.icosweb.net.

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