
dr. Ksenija Kazarinova

Junior researcher
  1. The staff member is subordinate to and shall report directly to the Head of the Center;
  2. Prepares planning and reporting documents (reports) on the instructions of the Head of the Center;
  3. Participates in individual and collective scientific research activities;
  4. Carries out the research tasks outlined in the annual work plan;
  5. Carries out the applied research tasks outlined in the annual work plan;
  6. Disseminates research results;
  7. Actively participates in the meetings and gatherings of both the Center and Institute;
  8. In adherence to the functions listed in these Regulations, carries out any other tasks or assignments of the Director of the Institute and the Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs;
  9. Performs other duties established in the Labor Code of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on Science and Studies of the Republic of Lithuania, the Statute and Regulations of the Institute, the Regulations of the Center, and other internal legal acts of the Institute.

Dr Ksenija Kazarinova was born in 1988 in Sergiev Posad (Russia). From 2006 until 2010 she studied in Klaipėda University, where she finished her Bachelor‘s studies in Russian and Lithuanian Philology. In 2012 she got her Master‘s degree in Semiotics in Vilnius University. In 2020 she defended her doctoral dissertation Semiotics of Pride (supervised by Prof Roma Bončkutė) in Klaipėda University. She‘s working at the Institute of the Lithuanian Language since 2021.

Additional education: Theology studies in Saint Tikhon‘s University in Moscow (2014–2017)

Fields of research: manuscript legacy of the GDL, ecclesiastic Slavic writing in the GDL

  1. Kazarinova Ksenija 2022: Евангельский текст Ин 20.19–31 в руськомовных учительных евангелиях XVI–XVIII вв.: выделение текcтологических групп. – Slavica Slovaca 57, 63–71. ISSN 0037-6787. Prieiga internete: http://www.slavu.sav.sk/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/kazarinova.pdf
  2. Kazarinova Ksenija 2020: Puikybės formos Vaižganto „Pragiedruliuose“. – Colloquia 44, 129–146. ISSN 1822-3737. Prieiga internete: http://www.llti.lt/failai/129-146.pdf.
  3. Kazarinova Ksenija 2017: Nuopuolio gramatika. – Semiotika 13, 35–57. ISSN 2424-547X. Prieiga internete: https://www.zurnalai.vu.lt/Semiotika/article/view/16724.
  4. Kazarinova Ksenija 2016: Kito įvaizdis Simono Daukanto „Būde senovės lietuvių, kalnėnų ir žemaičių“. – Res humanitariae 19, 214–228. ISSN 1882-7708. Prieiga internete: https://e-journals.ku.lt/journal/RH/article/843/info.
  5. Murašova Ksenija 2014: Juokas Fiodoro Dostojevskio kūryboje. – Inter-studia humanitas 16: Tarpdisciplininiai juoko kultūros tyrimai, 178–192.
  6. Murašova Ksenija 2013: Puikybė intersubjektiniuose santykiuose. – Res humanitariae 14, 70–87. ISSN 2538-922X.
  7. Murašova Ksenija 2012: Puikybė Biblijoje. – Baltos lankos 36, 104–124. ISSN 1392-0189.

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